One man and his dog.

We’re on day 26 in this ‘lockdown’ as they’re calling it. The expression, probably taken from a movie but this is no movie for lots of people, and when I hear folk saying, the current situation is an equaliser, I think It bloody well is not! Those with little have even less and those with a lot see no difference! Capitalism and even celebrity has shown it’s inequalities and celebrities are no longer getting the attention!

As far as isolation is concerned, I don’t really see a big difference. For the majority of my time I’m at home working on my images and business. If anything, I’m working even harder. A realisation this morning, that I need to calm down and try and enjoy time with the ones I love.

I still have to kind of pinch myself that I have my dog called Alfie. We seen him on the net and fell for him. Although, he does have a lot of issues with other animals but it amazing with people. I don’t think the last family he was with told us the whole of his background.

I love Alfie!

i want that bird.jpg