I Still Get Nervous Networking

Networking events can be a great opportunity to meet new people, learn from others in the field, and make valuable connections. However, for many of us including me, the thought of attending these events can be nerve-wracking. If you are someone who still gets nervous before attending networking events, know that you are not alone, I do too. I must admit, I have got used to being nervous before events and those nerves keep me on my toes!

It is important to remember that feeling nervous is natural, and it is okay to have fears and doubts about attending these events. However, I’ve learned to push past these feelings and attend networking events anyway. Over time, with practice and experience, my confidence has grown and I have even started to enjoy these events.

One way to build your confidence is to start small. Attend a smaller networking event with people you know or reach out to someone in your field for an informational interview. This can help build networking skills in a low-pressure environment.

Another strategy is to prepare ahead of time. Research the event and the attendees beforehand so you have an idea of who you want to talk to and what you want to say. Practice your introduction and have a few conversation starters ready to go.

Remember, everyone at the event is there for the same reason as you – to network and make connections. Don't be afraid to approach someone and start a conversation. You never know where it may lead.

Finally, try to shift your mindset from thinking about networking events as something scary to something exciting. These events can be a chance to learn, grow, and make new connections. Embrace the opportunity and see where it takes you.

In conclusion, if you are someone who still gets nervous before attending networking events, know that it is okay. With practice and experience, your confidence will grow. Remember to start small, prepare ahead of time, approach people with confidence, and embrace the opportunity to learn and grow