Internet Trolls

Encountering trolls in life, prior to the era of social media, was akin to the ones depicted in "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" fairy tale!

We've all encountered comments on our social media posts that seemed odd or were simply written to provoke a response. However, when you click on the writer's profile, they often reveal very little information or have sparse content.  These people are real world trolls.

Dealing with internet trolls necessitates patience and strategy. Here are some tips I use:

1. Don't take it personally: Remember that trolls often target people randomly or to elicit a reaction. Try not to internalise their comments.

2. Ignore or block: If the troll's behavior isn't too severe, ignoring or blocking them can be effective. It denies them the attention they seek and removes their ability to continue harassing you.

3. Respond strategically: If you choose to respond, keep your reply brief and neutral. Avoid becoming emotional or engaging in arguments, as this is often what trolls desire.

4. Report abuse: Many social media platforms have tools for reporting abusive behavior. Use these features to report the troll's actions to the platform administrators.

5. Document the harassment: Keep records of any harassing messages or interactions. This documentation can be useful if you decide to take further action, such as reporting the troll to the police.

6. Seek support: If the trolling becomes overwhelming or begins to affect your mental health, don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a support group for assistance.

Remember that dealing with trolls can be frustrating, but it's essential to prioritise your well being and safety while navigating online interactions.