I’ve Deleted Multiple Social Accounts

As a photographer, I've always believed that social media is a powerful tool for building my brand and showcasing my work. Over the years, I've created multiple social media accounts to reflect the different areas of my photography business. However, I've recently come to the realization that managing all these accounts has been exhausting and overwhelming.

Trying to feed these accounts with content has been a constant challenge. I found myself struggling to create unique content for each one, which ultimately led to a decline in the quality of my posts. I realized that this wasn't sustainable, and I needed to make a change.

That's why I made the decision to delete six of my social media accounts, leaving just one on each platform. This has been a difficult decision, but I believe it's the right one for me at this point in my career.

I've decided to refocus on my passion for food and restaurant photography, as well as interior design. These are the areas where I feel most inspired, and where I believe I can make the biggest impact. Although I do offer other photography services, I've decided to make food and restaurant photography and interiors my main focus.

I’ve also adjusted my rates in line with this new focus.

By streamlining my social media presence in this way, I can now devote more time and energy to creating high-quality content that truly reflects my passions and interests. I'm excited to see where this new focus takes me and my business.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by your social media presence, I encourage you to consider consolidating your accounts. By focusing on the areas where you feel most passionate and inspired, you'll be able to create content that truly reflects your unique vision and style. Don't be afraid to make difficult decisions, as they may ultimately be the key to your success.
