A Sidestep With Social Media

I have recently made the decision to limit myself on social media, and the results have been truly liberating. It reminds me of when I chose to stop watching news channels during the height of the Covid pandemic. Instead, I started conducting my own research and gathering information without the influence of others' biases. This continues today.

I have experienced an incredible sense of freedom. I have been able to focus on real life interactions, which has had a tremendous positive impact on my mental well-being. I no longer feel the urge to constantly check my social media feeds or feel compelled to share every aspect of my life with the world. My privacy, which I value greatly, has been restored.

Moving forward, I plan to re-engage with social media, but with less frequency and a greater emphasis on real life interactions. Fortunately, I have lived through times when social media and the internet did not exist and by recreating those experiences, I have gained immense enrichment.

I encourage you to give it a try. You might discover that stepping away or limiting your time on social media can greatly enhance your life in so many ways.

Happy New Year when it gets here.