Searching or creating flattering light
Light is key to all areas of photography. From photographing gorgeous food to a family portrait flattering light is key. Without light, I can’t get a photo!
For example, the below images were taken in and with great lighting.
Image 1 was taken at the end of the day during the summer. I positioned the engaged couple under the tree. I love this kind of light in summer. Back lighting is great for food photography too. Why is it so good? It highlights the back of your subject when positioned correctly and when viewed from the front it gives a beautiful hair light! The same lighting can be achieved with studio lighting.
The bride’s shoes were photographed in doors, on the carpet, with vertical blinds partially closed. I remember taking this as if it were yesterday. I also remember turning off exterior tungsten lights as I didn’t want other light to pollute the scene!
The engagement couple met me at Loggerheads and the rest is history. The lighting here is oh so flattering especially on a cloudy day although I still have to be careful with downighting from the sun as it doesn’t really looking flattering to anyone. When I’m outdoors on a shoot I’m constantly looking for closed shade. When I find it, I can create the most stunning Wow images!
The final image of the dessert was photographed in a hotel with studio lighting. Why studio lighting? It was late in the day in December and I was struggling for light outside so I had no other choice. Another advantage to using studio lights it that they knock out external lighting resulting in a beautifully coloured image. Images that pop!
See you soon,
Image 1