The Evolution of My Networking Journey: From Soft Networks to the Hard Network Push

Networking has been a crucial part of my professional journey since 2017. Starting out, I found public speaking incredibly challenging. However, through persistence and gradual exposure, I have managed to transform my networking experience from a timid beginning to an assertive and impactful endeavour.

Soft Networks

When I first dipped my toes into the world of networking, I joined what can best be described as a "soft network." These groups are characterised by their supportive and less demanding nature. For someone new to business and public speaking, soft networks are a haven. They provide a nurturing space to build confidence, develop interpersonal skills, and forge initial connections without the intense pressure to perform.

During this phase, I found solace in the camaraderie and encouragement from others who were also navigating their way through the early stages of networking. The soft network was perfect for me at the time, allowing me to gradually overcome my fear of public speaking. I highly recommend soft networks to anyone who is new to business or finds public speaking daunting. They serve as a gentle introduction to the art of networking, fostering growth at a manageable pace.

Transition to a Hard Network: A New Challenge

Fast forward five years, and I found myself ready to take on a new challenge. I joined a harder network, one that is sharply focused on results, giving, and extensive public speaking. This network operates with a different ethos: figures and performance metrics are paramount, and the expectation to contribute and present regularly is high.

The transition was not easy. Despite my progress in the soft network, the increased demands of this new environment pushed me like never before. Public speaking, though no longer as nerve wracking as it once was, still triggered anxiety. Yet, with each presentation, I could feel the gradual erosion of my fears and the build-up of my confidence.

The Unseen Benefits of a Hard Network

Being part of a hard network has its distinct advantages. The constant push to step out of my comfort zone has been instrumental in my professional growth. The rigorous environment has honed my public speaking skills, making me more articulate and persuasive. I've learned to present data differently, negotiate effectively, and handle criticism constructively.

Moreover, the focus on figures and giving has instilled in me a deeper understanding of the importance of tangible results and reciprocity in professional relationships. This network has not only expanded my business acumen but also enriched my personal development and personal life.

Embracing the Push

Reflecting on my journey, I realise the immense value in both soft and hard networks. The soft network provided the foundational support I needed at the beginning, while the hard network has been instrumental in propelling me to new heights. Each type of network serves its purpose at different stages of professional growth.

For anyone embarking on their networking journey, my advice is to start with a soft network to build your confidence and skills in a supportive environment. As you grow, don't shy away from the challenges of a harder network. Embrace the push! It’s through these pressures that true growth happens.

Public speaking may always carry a hint of nervousness, but with continuous practice and exposure, it becomes a powerful tool rather than a crippling fear. Keep pushing your boundaries, and you'll be amazed at how far you can go.

This journey has taught me that facing fears and embracing challenges head-on is essential for growth. Networking, in its various forms, continues to be a transformative experience, shaping not just my professional capabilities but also my personal resilience.