A Mental Health Boost Swimming At Bersham Waterfalls

Mental health has always been important to me and working as a commercial photographer can be sometimes a little stressful.

I was totally out of my comfort zone.

It all started with a cold shower one day last year. What seemed uncomfortable at first turned out to be a game changer, better mood, improved sleep, more confidence, and a real boost to my resilience both personally and professionally.

Recently, I took things up a notch and swam under the waterfalls at Bersham. Thank to Gail Biddulph for being such a great support throughout! Since then, I’ve even gone for a solo swim and loved every second of it.

I know some people think cold water swimming is crazy, but until you try it, you won’t get just how beneficial it is. The discomfort is where the growth happens.

I did it and my next plan is to attempt the sea.

Anyone else tried it or thinking about giving it a go? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

#coldwaterswimming #mentalhealth #commercialphotographer