authentic photographer

Embracing Authenticity: Letting Go of Social Media Constraints


From the very start of the internet and the rise of social media, I have been an active participant, sharing my personal and business work as a passionate photographer. Being immersed in photography since 1981, my love for the art form has remained steadfast. However, I've come to a realization that the time and effort I invest in social media, particularly for my business, don't always yield the desired results. Despite constant messages bombarding us about the importance of a strong online presence and capturing our ideal clients, I've recognized the value of redirecting my energy towards real-world connections, where I've found the majority of my work. In this blog post, I share my journey of changing my mindset regarding social media to embrace authenticity and spontaneity and that social media is now a place for my presence.

The Pressure of Social Media

We are bombarded daily with messages that stress the importance of being constantly active on social media platforms. We're often led to believe that our ideal clients are all waiting for us online, and if we don't maintain a consistent presence, we risk missing out on valuable opportunities. However, I've discovered that dedicating my time to in-person interactions with potential clients has proven to be more fruitful in terms of securing work and building meaningful connections.

Authenticity Over Marketing Tactics

The pressure to post consistently and cater exclusively to our ideal clients can sometimes stifle our true creative selves. Following strict schedules and conforming to marketing tactics can create a sense of inauthenticity, leaving behind the spontaneity that makes our work unique and compelling. I have made a conscious choice to prioritise authenticity, presenting my work in a way that resonates with my genuine passion and values. By sharing the beautiful photos I love to take, I can showcase my true talent and express my passion without the constraints of marketing strategies.

Reconnecting with Spontaneity

One of the downsides of adhering to strict posting schedules is the loss of spontaneity. Authenticity shines brightest when we share our work in the moment, driven by inspiration and genuine passion. Rather than conforming to a predetermined schedule, I am now embracing the freedom to post when the timing feels right. This allows my photography to unfold naturally, capturing the essence of the moment and providing a more authentic experience for those who engage with my content.

Realigning with Real Connections

The genuine connections we forge in the real world hold immense value for photographers like us. Investing our time in meeting potential clients face-to-face, networking at events, and participating in industry activities allows us to build lasting relationships and establish trust. These interactions provide fertile ground for authentic exchanges, leading to more meaningful collaborations and opportunities.


As a photographer who has witnessed the evolution of social media, I have come to recognize the importance of finding a balance between an online presence and real-world connections. While social media can provide exposure and attract potential clients, it shouldn't overshadow the joy and authenticity that stems from genuine, in-person interactions. Embracing spontaneity and sharing our work when inspiration strikes allows our true passion to shine through. By valuing authenticity over marketing tactics and investing in real connections, we can create a thriving photography business that reflects our authentic selves. Let us reclaim our creative freedom and rediscover the beauty of sharing our work in a way that aligns with our genuine artistic vision.
