commercial photographer

The Power of Embracing Quiet Periods in Business: Lessons from Success

It's easy to overlook the significance of quiet periods when we find ourselves overwhelmed with work. However, it is during these seemingly tranquil phases that we often gain invaluable insights and opportunities for growth. This post explores the profound impact of embracing quiet periods, recounting personal experiences and highlighting strategies to maximise their potential. From consistent blogging and advertising adjustments to website updates and increased networking efforts, discover how harnessing the power of quiet periods can yield significant rewards.

During a recent lull, I decided to dedicate time to consistent blogging. By setting aside a specific day each week to share valuable content and insights, I established a strong voice and engaged with my audience regularly. Consistency in blogging not only enhances brand credibility but also boosts search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, resulting in increased online visibility and organic traffic. The impact of these efforts became apparent as the quiet period gradually transformed into a bustling period of new prospects and opportunities.

Recognizing the potential in the calm moments, I also took the opportunity to assess and adjust my advertising strategies. By carefully analyzing data and metrics, I identified areas for improvement, fine-tuning my targeting parameters, ad content, and bidding strategies. This optimization approach allowed me to optimize ad spend, reach a more relevant audience, and ultimately drive qualified leads. As a result, what was once an idle period slowly evolved into a flourishing influx of interested customers.

In addition to blogging and advertising adjustments, I realized the importance of regularly updating my website during quiet periods. With the understanding that consumers are constantly seeking fresh and engaging digital experiences, I refreshed my website design, refined its user interface, and optimized its performance. These enhancements not only captivated visitors but also conveyed professionalism and credibility. As a result, when the busy period eventually arrived, my website became an influential conversion tool, driving valuable interactions and generating substantial growth.

Seizing the calm periods as opportunities for personal and professional growth, I committed to expanding my network and strengthening relationships within my industry. By attending relevant events, conferences, and webinars, I engaged with fellow professionals, exchanged insights, and forged meaningful connections. These efforts generated collaborative opportunities, referrals, and a strong support network that proved invaluable when business picked up once again. The quiet periods thus became catalysts for long-term success and continuous growth.

While quiet periods may seem unproductive or discouraging at first, embracing them with a proactive mindset can lead to significant rewards. Consistent blogging, refined advertising strategies, website updates, and focused networking efforts are just a few examples of how to leverage these moments to maximise success. By harnessing the power of quiet periods, we can capitalize on the downtime to lay the groundwork for future achievements and turn a seemingly unproductive period into a flourishing period of growth. So, the next time you find yourself in a quiet phase, don't despair; instead, view it as an opportunity to invest in your business's long-term success.


Without An Agenda, Conversations Flow

Working as a self-employed photographer can sometimes feel isolating, but I find that it allows me to focus on my craft while continuously learning new skills. I enjoy the freedom and flexibility that comes with being my own boss. If self-employment were a subject in school, I would have eagerly signed up for it!

Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting up with three other like-minded business owners in Llangollen, just a few miles away from where I live and work. This was our second gathering, and I can't express how much I appreciate these encounters. We connect on a personal level and discuss an array of topics without any set agenda. It's incredibly refreshing to let go and just be ourselves. I'm eagerly looking forward to our next meet-up, full of positive energy and inspiration.

Thank you.

Exploring Threads: Personalising My Social Media Experience

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media platforms, I recently stumbled upon Threads, a platform that instantly reminded me of the early days of Twitter. With a simple layout and a refreshing absence of the overwhelming focus on likes seen on Instagram, Threads offers a promising avenue for personalising my social media feed. As I embark on this new journey, I anticipate a myriad of changes in the coming weeks and months. In this blog post, I aim to share my initial impressions and aspirations for utilising Threads as a means to foster a more personal connection with my online community.

As a commercial photographer on Instagram, I have always felt the need for a more personal and intimate online experience. While my business thrives on showcasing my niche photography, Threads presents an opportunity to share snippets of my personal life and connect with others on a deeper level. I am excited about the prospect of revealing more about myself beyond the confines of my professional portfolio. By infusing my feed with personal anecdotes, thoughts, and musings, I hope to forge meaningful connections and engage in conversations that go beyond the surface level.

One aspect I appreciate about Threads is its departure from the idea of duplicating my Instagram posts. Instead of merely copying and pasting the same content, I view Threads as a platform to curate a distinct narrative, separate from my commercial endeavors. This separation allows me to maintain a clear distinction between my professional persona on Instagram and the more personal experiences I share on Threads. By offering unique content, I can cultivate a loyal following and attract individuals who are genuinely interested in the authentic moments of my life.

One of the downsides I have encountered on platforms like Twitter is the prevalence of negative and toxic conversations. The "pleasure vibe" I sense on Threads gives me hope that this platform will foster a more positive and uplifting community. I believe that by focusing on personal connections and shared experiences, Threads can encourage meaningful dialogues and inspire genuine interactions. I eagerly anticipate an environment where I can engage with others in a respectful and enriching manner, free from the negativity that sometimes plagues other social media platforms.

In these early days of exploring Threads, I find myself drawn to its simplicity and potential for personalisation. By leveraging this platform, I aim to create a more intimate social media experience that diverges from my commercial endeavors on Instagram. Threads holds the promise of connecting me with like-minded individuals and fostering meaningful conversations. As the platform evolves, I am eager to adapt, learn, and continue cultivating a positive and personal online presence. Together, we can shape a vibrant community centered around authenticity and shared experiences.

One of the pitfalls of being self employed: not getting paid

I’ve been wanting to write a blog post on this subject for a while now but I’m happy to being doing that now.

It’s been a busy year for my little business. I pushed it in ways I never thought possible being totally out of my zone of comfort but it has paid off in so many ways.

However, with the increased work load, I’ve experienced not being paid on now two occasions. I really don’t know why these businesses don’t pay up as they’ve received the promised and given digital products and are even being used online on websites and social media. It’s a strange experience, seeing ones photographs on the net and yet they haven’t been paid for!

I always pay businesses straight away because I know how important cash flow is to me and them.

On with the reminder emails because I won’t give up and I’m currently updating my terms and conditions which have unfortunately I’ve got to do to help prevent this from happening again.

If you’ve been in a similar situation, please do reach out to me. I would really find that helpful!


Raymond Jones Images: Brockley Bean Cafe Plastic Free Status

It was such a pleasure yesterday visiting The Brockley Bean Cafe, Charles Street, Wrexham. I’ve been supporting this business for over a year and I’ve seen so many changes.

Jess Daniel’s, owner of The Brockley Bean cafe work’s so hard preparing healthy food options with an emphasis on “clean” with food and packaging.

The certificate was awarded by Hannah Blythyn AM, Lesley Griffiths AM and Carrie Harper.


Commercial Food/Business Photography in North Wales - Brockley Bean Cafe

At last time to blog about my commercial and wedding photography!

I've been helping Jess Daniels, owner at Brockley Bean Cafe promote her business in Wrexham, North Wales with great success.

I returned their earlier this week. "I'm a lover of food and eating well, with years of experience in health & fitness. Then in the '90s I spent my college days catering and working in restaurants.

Now 22 years on, I have finally achieved my dream of helping people feel good about the food they eat, with my very own Cafe! So here I am today, here to give you some food hope, ready to help you with your own journey and most of all eat some Yummy FOOD!!

Jess" ​


Events Photographer: MOW Gardening, come rain or shine...


It was great fun photographing Mow Gardening recently with Justin Madders and Andrew Pinkham of Amey Construction who gave, up a few hours our their time to clear away a mass of overgrown foliage, debris and leaves at The Beeches Care Home at Sutton Way.

Cheers for asking me along. I must remember to take my brolley for future outdoor shoots.

Here’s some of my favourite images…


Commercial Photography: Bonfire Night at The Swan, Marbury


I had so much fun recently capturing the goings on at The Swan, Marbury. Lindsay (Operations Manager), a while back, messaged me about capturing happenings at the bonfire, the atmosphere in the pub, the kitchen, interior, etc.

Lots of low light photography with high ISO’s were required and the light began to fade. My favourite shots:-


Commercial headshots: Tony Mazzotti - Business Growth Specialist

Tony Mazzotti - Business Growth Specialist

Recently I’ve been getting back into doing corporate headshots but with a difference.

I met Tony Mazzotti, Business Growth Specialist, a while back when I first started to network in Wrexham. Tony wanted to update his professional images and turned to me to help.

From the city of Chester, it was important to Tony to have his photos taken in the city. Tony hired me for an hour as we walked around lots of different locations in the city.

It’s not enough nowadays to just have formal headshots with dark or light background. Lots of my clients want to show not just their professional side but the human/caring side of their personality!

Here are a few images from the shoot….


Commercial Photography. A morning at the gym with Smarter Strength

I had so much fun the other day at Smarter Strength with business owner Scott Morgans.  Such a pleasure to photograph Scott with his clients at the gym in Ellesmere Port.

I was in my element reportage style photographing guy and team creatively through iron frames but must remember next time to watch of sticking out weights etc.

Really please the client was happy with the images, 

"Had a more detailed look last night and they have come out great. Really pleased"  Scott Morgans.

For most of my clients I place their company logo on the images so they are portable immediately on social media and website.  Here's a few of my favourite images from the shoot...


Raymond Jones Commercial & Corporate Photographer

At last I have a few minutes spare to do a little blog post of recent business activities with Raymond Jones Images.  I will try keep this blog up to date but then again I won't make any promises if you know what I mean.

The corporate/commercial side of my photography is expanding in a way that I thought it never would.  I've been documenting and photographing, over the last two years, The Swan, Marbury for Pubs limited.  Thoroughly enjoyable seeing and photographing this pub from start to the present.   The new look Swan is almost complete.  I've also been working with self caterers, including chefs pubs and great venues like Holt Lodge, The Millstone,  Pubs Ltd, etc.  Corporate head shots, interior and exterior of businesses and their products, especially food.

Some images for you to see.  Should you require my services, please get in touch.  I'm very competitive and will beat any competitor in the area.


Jackie Clarke, Professional PA

Jackie Clarke, Professional PA

Jerry Brunning, Pubs Limited

Jerry Brunning, Pubs Limited

Holt Lodge menu

Holt Lodge menu

The Swan, Marbury development

The Swan, Marbury development
