
Constant Photography Influences Stifle Creativity

Constantly bombarding myself with photography, whether by constantly taking photos or constantly consuming photography, can indeed mask my own creativity. Focusing solely on what others have created can make it challenging for me to think outside the box and come up with my own unique ideas.

However, a few years ago, I realised the importance of intentionally making time in my life to explore other creative areas. By studying disciplines such as painting, observing the way light falls throughout the day, appreciating calligraphy and scetching, admiring sculptures, listening to the sounds of birds, and being inspired by people, I have found that surrounding myself with everything other than photography actually fuels my own photography.

Dedicating time to immerse myself in various artistic influences has allowed me to break free from the constraints of imitation and develop my own distinct artistic voice. By broadening my creative horizons beyond photography, I have been able to draw inspiration from diverse sources and incorporate those influences into my work.

This exploration has enriched my own photographic style, as I have discovered new perspectives, techniques, and approaches. By nourishing my mind with a range of artistic influences, I am able to tap into my inherent creativity and produce truly unique and authentic work.

Therefore, I encourage myself and others to seek inspiration beyond the realm of photography. Engaging with other art forms, exploring nature, connecting with people, and immersing ourselves in diverse experiences can ignite the spark of creativity and enable us to unleash our full artistic potential. Let us embrace the beauty of the world around us, draw inspiration from various sources, and let our own creative vision shine.
